Thursday, July 12, 2007

Kliping Koran (Kompas)

Kliping koran (Kompas) ini dibuat oleh pihak keluarga alm Sultan Hamid II


Kupang said...


Very kinteresting this.Would be nice,if you also inform more about the other sultans of Pontianak.

Hormat saya:
D.P. Tick gRMK
secretary Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan2 di Indonesia "Pusaka"

Unknown said...


I saw,that Sambas has a new King:
Pangeran Ratu Muhammad Tarhan Winata Kusuma.Maybe you can ask the sultan,or any newspaper,if they have a picture of him for me.
I hope you are able to help me.
I saw today in Jakarta Post an article about dapur preference of Sultan Sy. Hamid II al-Qadri.Durian Pontianak must be the best of total Indonesia!!!

Thank you for all.

Hormat saya:
D.P. Tick gRMK/Pusaka
P.S.:I hope,that soon the KITLV website will put 250% more historical pictures online.Many pictures of Pontianak of course there.